The season really feels like it's turning over to fall here, at last! I love this time of year in New England; I love Arizona and will always miss it dearly, but there's something in my DNA that loves hunkering down and nesting in fall.
Here's some updates!
All six volumes of TOY are currently available in our store! Physical copies are very limited, and consist of the leftover stock we have from fulfilling the Kickstarter. Some volumes have only a handful of copies left!
Slipc ases will be added to the store shortly, too!
Speaking of—every reward from the Kickstarter that did not include a slip case have gone out, as of today! As of my writing this we're 58% fulfilled. It's so gratifying to be this far along and to have nailed our ETA, but also staggering and very touching to see the number of backers who signed up to get one of the slip cases!
We're likely receiving the very first printing for review this Friday (Oct 20th), and then full production will be underway right after. Suzana and I are both so giddy to finally get our hands on this box! We've seen video of it and it makes my heart ache for how lovely it came out! I am just so pleased with them and I cannot wait to send them out to everyone who ordered a copy.
One last note, before I go— we've officially started batching pages for TOY's sequel, which we'll begin to share with Patreon very shortly. I'll update here again once I've got more news, but for now I'll just say, it feels really, really good to be making pages again.
Happy October, lovelies!