Making the slipcases for this campaign has been one of the coolest projects we've worked on, and I'm so thrilled with how they came out!
There's spot gloss on the characters and the text, the interior trim mirrors the rainbow colors on the books themselves... Suzana really outdid herself with the art and design here. ♥ It makes me so proud to hold the whole thing in my hands!
Now that we've fulfilled all orders for the Kickstarter and more easily set aside every slipcase that's been accounted for, they're available in our store for a limited time. ♥
We've also added some new items - some from the Kickstarter itself, and some brand new stuff!
Suzana and I have been having a lot of fun with these designs. ♥
Check check it,!
The books, the printed minis, and the slipcases are only available for a short time! It's been wild to clear out as much of our stock as we have over the last year, and we'll have a lot of fun filling the space with new stuff this year - but if you're interested in getting your hands on our TOY stuff before it's gone, now's the time!
See you in our next update - or even over at for more comics!